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What The Heck Is Natural Wine Anyway?

In recent years, there's been a buzz around "natural wine." You might have heard about it from a friend, seen it on a restaurant menu, or stumbled upon it in your local wine shop. But what exactly is natural wine, and why is it causing such a stir in the world of oenophiles?

At its core, natural wine is more than just a beverage; it's a philosophy, a movement, and a return to the basics of winemaking. Unlike conventional wines, which often rely on a host of additives and manipulations to achieve a desired flavor profile, natural wine is made with minimal intervention, allowing the grapes to express themselves fully.

So, what sets natural wine apart from the rest? Here are a few key characteristics:

1. Organic and Biodynamic Farming: Natural winemakers prioritize organic and biodynamic farming practices. This means no synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers are used in the vineyard. Instead, growers work in harmony with nature, fostering healthy soil and biodiversity.

2. Hand-Harvested Grapes: Unlike industrial wineries that use machinery to harvest grapes, natural winemakers often opt for hand-picking. This labor-intensive method ensures that only the finest fruit makes its way into the wine, with minimal damage to the grapes.

3. Minimal Intervention: Natural winemaking is all about letting nature take its course. Rather than relying on commercial yeast strains or additives to ferment the wine, natural winemakers allow the indigenous yeast present on the grape skins to kickstart fermentation. This spontaneous fermentation process gives the wine a unique sense of place, or terroir.

4. No Additives or Manipulations: One of the hallmarks of natural wine is its purity. You won't find any added sugars, colorings, or flavorings here. Natural winemakers also avoid techniques like filtration and fining, preferring to let the wine clarify naturally over time.

5. Living Wines: Natural wines are often described as "living" because they continue to evolve in the bottle. Unlike mass-produced wines that are designed to taste the same year after year, natural wines can change with each vintage, reflecting the nuances of the growing season and winemaker's touch.

6. Unique Flavors and Aromas: Thanks to their hands-off approach, natural wines often exhibit vibrant flavors and aromas that are true to the grape and the terroir. You might encounter funky notes of barnyard, earth, or wild herbs, along with bright acidity and lively fruit character.

In summary, natural wine is a celebration of authenticity, sustainability, and craftsmanship. It's a departure from the homogenized wines that dominate the market, offering a taste of something truly unique and alive. So, the next time you're browsing our wine list, why not pick a bottle of natural wine and experience the magic for yourself?

Cheers to the wild, wonderful world of natural wine (and drinking it without the risk of a hangover)!