Our Story.

Welcome to Earth House, a plant-based restaurant and wine bar with a Mediterranean twist.

Founded in March 2022 by Samantha Häberli, sustainability and seasonality are at the heart of what we do, using only plant-based ingredients to create delicious dishes that anyone can enjoy.

At Earth House, we aim to normalise menus that don’t contain animal products in a fun and unique way, showing that a plant-based restaurant can offer a dining and wine experience just as wonderful and fulfilling as any other restaurant. While we have put our hearts into creating a menu that uses whole, unrefined ingredients that come straight from the earth, just as nature intended, you don’t have to live a plant-based lifestyle to enjoy our food, Earth House truly is for everyone.

Everything here is homemade, and our commitment to sustainability is shown throughout our menus, from the ingredients we use, which change with the seasons, to our natural wine list, featuring wines made by mainly female winemakers with sustainable biodynamic vineyards, to our Zero Waste Project, and our drive to leave as small of a carbon footprint as possible.

Earth House is proud to say that we support our local Thai farming communities from around the country, and that our menus are based on seasonal availability of the fruits and vegetables that we use.

By eating locally, we not only give back to local communities, but we have a positive impact on our planet too. 

It is our goal to make the planet a healthier, happier, more beautiful place through sharing our food in a relaxing, beautiful and fun atmosphere.

Welcome to the Earth House.

Earth House.