What The Heck Is Natural Wine Anyway?
Samantha Haeberli Samantha Haeberli

What The Heck Is Natural Wine Anyway?

In recent years, there's been a buzz around "natural wine." You might have heard about it from a friend, seen it on a restaurant menu, or stumbled upon it in your local wine shop. But what exactly is natural wine, and why is it causing such a stir in the world of oenophiles?

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The Natural Instincts Of Earth House Founder Samantha Häberli
Samantha Haeberli Samantha Haeberli

The Natural Instincts Of Earth House Founder Samantha Häberli

In 2022, Samantha opened The Earthling Cafe, which served healthy but hearty vegan dishes and drinks out of a small space in Ekkamai. A great first experience in owning a restaurant in Bangkok, Samantha and her big ideas quickly outgrew the cafe’s tiny kitchen, and she started looking for a space for her Earth House. But unfortunately, this story comes with its fair share of heartbreak.

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The Revolution Will Be Meatless.
Samantha Haeberli Samantha Haeberli

The Revolution Will Be Meatless.

Innovative plant-based cuisine is in restaurants across Asia, proving that even the staunchest carnivores can be bowled over by plant power.

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About Sustainability.
Samantha Haeberli Samantha Haeberli

About Sustainability.

When we were challenged by Root The Future to create two “sustainable and innovative” dishes, the first thing that came to mind was the ingredients - beans and sprouts and herbs - those are all very sustainable. But then we started thinking about the plating of the dishes as well.

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